Development of IoT Based Temperature, Humidity, and Substrate pH level Control System for Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Spp.) Cultivation

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Chrysler Van D. Conde


The environment is a crucial aspect that must be regulated in mushroom cultivation. Mushrooms are less grown in temperatures above 28°C and grow beds must maintain a pH level of 5.5 to 6 for optimal growth. Thus, the focus of this study is on establishing an autonomous environmental control system to offer optimal conditions in the mushroom production area. This project is presenting an implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring and environmental control for indoor cultivation of Oyster Mushroom. Environmental factors considered in the study were temperature and humidity of the area and the pH level of the grow beds. The system employed a soil pH level sensor to monitor the current pH level in the grow beds and DHT11 for temperature and humidity. When the temperature rises above 28°C, the cooling fan turns on automatically. This reduces the temperature in the culture space, which is required for mushroom development. The humidifier is set to activate every ten (10) minutes and shuts off after five (5) minutes. This will assist to maintain the humidity of the area, which is also important in mushrooms. Likewise, when the pH of the grow beds falls below 5, the system will automatically pump and inject an appropriate amount of liquid lime to adjust the pH level until it reaches the suitable pH level of 6. Moreover, all of these data can be accessed remotely via internet using PC or smartphone. In conclusion, the system was evaluated using ISO 25010 and consisted of the following components: functional suitability, reliability, portability, usability, performance efficiency, security, compatibility and maintainability. The overall rating of the system was 4.64, which indicated an “excellent“ grade. Thus, the system provides significant help in the optimum growth of the Oyster Mushroom.


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