Virtual Reality Headset for Reducing Psychological Burden Of Self-Quarantine Patient Using Artificial Intelligence

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T. Sangeetha, A. Manimaran, S. Parasuraman, T. Thilak, B. Sundara Pandian


Personswhoareplacedinquarantinehaveanegativeexperience.Quarantinehasanegative impactonmentalhealth and places a psychological burden on those who are subjectedto it. A device that is worn on the head and enables the user to experience virtual reality is called a virtual reality headset. This research offers a virtual reality headset using artificial intelligence technologies to help self-quarantine patients cope with their psychological burden. Eye tracking sensors, stereoscopic head-mounted display, a head motion tracking sensor and stereo sound are all included in this VRheadset. The emotion sensor is used to place the four walls of achamberwherepatientsarequarantined. It is used to predict the patient's emotions on a second-by-second basis. Emotion sensor inputis transferred to the Raspberry Pi for analysis of their states, such assad or pleased. In addition, when a patient feels alone, we use a voice assistant to acquire their voice. Based on the emotions, the VR head set will automatically play a video, audio, or display visuals thatwe have already saved in the patient's preference history. The patientwill feel more relaxed and their stress will be lessened as a result of using this VR head set. It will assist the patient in reducing psychological stress during the quarantine period.


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